
Students pursuing academic degrees often feel that something is missing for their souls. Therefore, specifically during this period, when they are shaping their inner world and under intense pressure, the need arises to stop and delve deeply into their personal and national identities.

At Panim El Panim, we established a set of unique programs for students with several local authorities throughout the country.
The purpose of the programs is to take students on an internal journey to deeply discover themselves and their roots. This journey connects between Judaism and the desire to do good and be a positive influence in their private, social and national lives.
The diverse programs and sessions are composed of joint study that is vibrant, interactive and derives from Jewish sources, Shabbat experiences, holiday activities, shows, special events and ongoing, meaningful personal relationships.

The department team is very experienced and involved in ongoing study processes, formulating content, continuing education, control and feedback.
The activities are held in conjunction with Mifal HaPayis, the JNF, the Jewish Identity Administration, government offices, local authorities and young adult centers throughout the country.

פנים אל פנים סטודנטים


Annual Student Centers




Short leadership programs

Our Programs


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