In a world and reality of intensive, fast-paced lifestyles, which are often accompanied by a sense of confusion and loss of direction, the question is: how do we stop and give ourselves a chance to encounter our inner world?
That’s exactly why we’re here!
At Panim El Panim, we strive to enable each and every person to connect to Judaism, in an internal, relevant way, that will expose and express how significant Judaism is for each of us personally and for all of us as a nation.
We work primarily with young adults in Israel in high school, the army and university, and we invite them on a journey of personal discovery through processes of study, experience and familiarity with the roots of their own Jewish identities.
The diverse content, the special staff and the interactive activities create rich, accessible and influential experiences.
Panim El Panim was founded in 5765 with the goal of giving the general public a chance to encounter Judaism in a deep and meaningful way.
The organization is headed by Rabbi Yoram Terner and Col. (Res.) Geva Rapp, under the management of various educators and professionals.
Today, Panim El Panim is composed of about 150 employees, including 20 in headquarters, development and coordination positions, and the rest as group instructors, lecturers and guides.
Creating these interactive learning encounters for adolescents, soldiers, college students, and the general public in Israel is the heart and soul of the organization. All of this is achieved through ongoing learning, development, creativity, and professionalism.